

Protective Equipments (PPE)

To ensure the greatest possible work protection for employees in the work place, the cooperative efforts of both employers and employees will help in the establishing and maintaining a sfe and healthfull work environment.
In general, employers are responsible for;
Performing a hazard assessment of the work place to identify and control physical and health hazards. Identifying and providing appropriate PPE for employees. Training employees in the use and care of the PPE maintaining
PPE,Include; Replacing worn and damaged PPE periodically reviewing,Updating and evaluating worn and damaged PPE


are we ?

Our grantees and partners generosity truth, prevention nutrition involvement Ford Foundation. Enabler agenda results global leaders change economic independence; positive social change free expression our ambitions. Dedicated, humanitarian relief health fight against malnutrition momentum economic development.

We ensure that our clients know and understand why they need PPE and why it should be replaced after a certain period of time. this is why we provide quality safety products and include time frame when to be replaced.
we don’t only supply PPE but also have skilled and trained personnel in health and safety, who will carry phiscal training with the employees and employers to achieve one goal of protecting PPE usere from health and safety hazards.

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